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About Krissy - The Auction 2017

Our 2017 grant recipient is Krissy Kobata of Los Angeles, California.


In February 2008, Krissy was at the beach with her brother when he pointed out that her legs were covered in bruises.   Though she had always bruised easily her entire life, she decided to visit a doctor.  At 24, Krissy was shocked to discover she had myelodysplastic syndrome, a condition where bone marrow does not produce enough healthy blood cells and which can only be cured by a bone marrow transplant.  With a Japanese-American father and Caucasian mother, Krissy’s multi-racial background makes it extremely challenging to find a matching bone marrow donor.  While she has lived the past decade without a transplant, her condition has digressed to the point where she cannot wait any longer for a perfect match donor.   As a result, Krissy is scheduled to receive a transplant from her brother in October 2017.  Although he is not a perfect match, she will be undergoing a new procedure called a haploidentical transplant (half-match transplant).  Up until the recent development of this new treatment, he was ineligible to donate.  After the transplant, Krissy will be hospitalized for a minimum of 6-7 weeks and unable to work for an extended period of time.  

Get Up 8 wants to help Krissy through this financially, emotionally, and physically difficult time.  Our goal is to provide additional financial support to Krissy during her recovery so she can focus on getting healthy and going back to enjoying life with those that are most important to her. 

A donation page for Krissy has been set up on our Registry.  For more information and to make a donation, please click on the link below to be taken to the Registry website.

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